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Hello everybody,

I'm new on this forum.
I'd like to buy a used power hammer like 50 lb Little Giant, for chisels hammering.
I would be very appreciate of any advice you may offer.

Best regards.

Maciej Starzyk


One: please list your location so people who may be near to you can help out.

Two: if you are not familiar with powerhammers; spend some time with a smith who has one so you can learn what's important to look for and what's cosmetic.

Three: do you like to tinker and repair things and do you have the skills and equipment to do so? Old hammers are usually an on-going project; however your grand kids may be using it *if* you keep up with it and can repair things properly. If not you may want to look into a newer type hammer.

Four: don't be in too big of a hurry, inspect possible buys *carefully*.

Five: good luck and keep us informed!


Thank you for answer.
I'm from Poland so I'm interested to buy power hammer somewhere in Europe due to shipping cost.


Thanks for more detail, I know of a little giant here in california but it is a basket case if the lady still has it. Probably not going to ship overseas. Are there little giants in europe?
Good luck on your search.


I know of a 50lb LG in Butte, Montana. Gentelman is asking 2,500.00 but the hammer needs work. Make him an offer and you might be able to get it to your door for less - maybe not. I was going to jump on it but found a 100lb LG closer to home. Anyway, you can find it on montana craigs list. I really like what Thomas Powers had to say. Best of luck to you.

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