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I Forge Iron

A what is it ????


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Sure enough,its a saw set.I tried it on an old saw.I even get the idea,you do every other tooth the flip it over and do the rest.I really had it stuck in my mind that it was a railroad conductors ticket thingy,because i reckoned by not punching trough you woundt get a build up of confetti on the floor,and because it wuold be hard to copy that pear shaped stamp it puts on paper!any thanks fellas!! smart bunch here.

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In fact yours is a Morrill's # 1, in a 1902 catalougue they were listed at $14 a dozen.

These are some saw sharpening tools:

Left background - A Saw Vice.

Left front - A Saw Jointer.

Center - A patented saw filing guide.

Right background - The type of Saw Set I prefer.

Right front - A type of saw set called a Wrest.


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