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I Forge Iron

No helping some peopleT


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Behind every one of those bad acting/entitled still-children is a non-parent who relived their childhood vicariously through those little beasts.
THEIR parents didn`t let THEM get away with that garbage and I can never understand why they feel the need to let their "little darlings" get by with it either.
I have never seen any good come of it.Look at Paris Hilton and "LiLo" if you don`t understand what I mean. <_<

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I have just had to spend an hour at work sitting through a 'customer service' course being told that everyone who comes in is a 'customer' ( fancy new term for hospital patients) and as such I had to show respect to everyone regardless of race, gender, age and how they speak to me. I am told I have to stand there and say yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir.
I am old school and was taught that respect has to be earned - which did not go down too well with the lecturer :P

When I was young, my folks taught me to respect my elders. As I got older, and spent some time in the army with some senior NCO's who should've still be privates from what they could do, I decided everyone gets courtesy until they earn discourtesy. Some few will earn respect.

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In the shop I am at now, all of the floor mics are digital with resolution down to .00005" (fifty millionths). We deal with some pretty tight tolerances, and you would be hard pressed to find a .0005" reading indicator let alone a .001" quickly on the shop floor. The digitals give greater speed, and accuracy in the environment we work in. It isn't like the guys on the floor only have to check a couple parts a day.

Personally I have standard mics, and dial calipers, for which I have been chided for by the younger guys. Although I do use a digital mic for some jobs. I had one guy ask me how do you read my dial caliper,and I have had to give refresher courses on reading a standard mic at times. I think the best one was when a "machinist" asked to use one of the vertical mills, and couldn't figure out how to change the speed. He had never seen one with step pulleys before. He would probably vapor lock on a vernier caliper.

Sorry that your good will wasn't taken as it should have. When it comes to stuff like that, someone really has to prove to me that they take care of what they use. People that I know will appreciate what I give them can be very fortunate to know me, as I can be very generous to people that I think will benefit.

Technology is great, but as everything does, it has it's limits at times. Today we tend to rely too heavily on technology. One good SHTF event could change all of that.

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