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I Forge Iron

My gloat (i think)

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Well was up Powel WY way for a visit and have been looking high & low for a 100 + lb Anvil and could not find anything so gave up and bought a 60#? Vulcan for $48, did I do ok? Just got tired of looking for over a year now and want to pound on some Iron :D
Picked up a forge quite some time back so I guess it are time fer this old fart to make sparks.
I am still sittin on the Clark Fork of the Yellowstone river waiting fer the wife to get done with her visit so I can go play :P
Bill D
Blackfoot ID

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As long as you don't abuse it with too heavy a hammer (especially on horn or heel) that will make a good starter anvil and a good travel anvil after you get it's big brother...

I hope I can find sumptin bigger BUT it has been pretty sparse supply everywhere I seem to be.
I will keep hunting as it gives me something to keep me occupied when shopping with the wife;>)
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Hey bvd1940,

look at ksl.com it covers Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. it's like a local craigslist. on the search box type in anvil and search. i haven't seen any for a month or so but i did get a 125 hay budden off from there awhile back. just thought it would help. Happy Forging Chad

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