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I Forge Iron

April Meetings

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Our April meetings will be held at 109 Peel St Tamworth, anyone needing directions can phone 02)6761-2779 where our friendly craft shop attendants will be pleased to assist.
The dates are Saturday 10th and 24th, Sunday 11th and 25th.
"O" boy, April here already this year is flying, President Jim made the long trip south to get a load of coke for us over the long weekend so we've got enough fuel for the next year - big thanks Jim for giving up your holiday weekend for us.

The craft centre extension plans are at council for approval so we will be calling for a members' working bee to clear up the areas for the building works in the near future.

We forge on the 2nd and 4th weekends every month opening hours for members are 8.30am till 4.00pm.
Visitors are welcome from 10.00am, so if you have questions, want to watch or you would like to join come on in for a look.
We are always looking for members with or without experience. :unsure:

enquires by email to "[email protected]"

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