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Remember these are not "rules" but merely suggestions! So don't make a claim that you can't prove. (Not all leaf springs are 5160, almost no jackhammer bits are S series, etc; better to tell a client "forged from an old leafspring or jackhammer bit" than to say 5160 only to find it wasn't...)

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From my files: Grant, Sun 09 Oct 2005

JACKHAMMER bits have a hole down the center and go in a percussion drill (jackhammer). Paving breaker
bits are solid and go in a paving breaker. Yeah, I know, most people call 'em jackhammers. Having owned
a company for 18 years that produced millions of them probably makes me a little pickier than most. For
me, if a customer ordered a 1" x 18" jackhammer bit, I had better send the right thing.

As an aside to this, I've had just about every bit made spectrographed and never found one made from a
tool steel. The largest manufacturer (Brunner & Lay) uses a modified 1045 for all their bits.
Vulcan used to use 1078 (a high silicone 1080) but have changed to a boron steel in the last few
years. Most others (Delsteel, Pioneer, Ajax, Tamco) use either 1078 or 9260. I Had good success using
8640. You only have to remember that B&ampampL is water quench and the others are oil when you use them
to make other tools.

Me: S series would make a great bit and it's suggested as a use in Machineries Handbook. *however* it would be several
times more expensive than a plain steel bit and harder to repoint when worn as the heat treat is fancier too.
Just like stainless steel would make great car bodies---but save for the Delorean you don't see it used because of the cost!

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