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I Forge Iron

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Hello, my name is Robert and I am in northeastern Arkansas. I am not as yet active in the art of blacksmithing, however, I am hoping to have my smithy up and running by late spring in "10" if all goes well. I have recently made my first 2 purchases of a 10# anvil I bought on e-bay and a 55#er which came from Harbour freight, it is made in china. But anyway, I am planning on a 20x30 shop with a permanent forge built of rock and fire-brick. I have recently bought a book on how to build a bellows, so if anyone has any helpful info, I would be much appreciative. I am trying to go as primitive as possible. I also need a good source of bitumous coal of a good grade that can be had in north-eastern Ark. and south-eastern Mo. if any-one can help. Thanx and looking forward to meeting some of you online and in person as well, I hope. your comrade Robert P.

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Check out this site; Blacksmiths Association of Missouri : ABANA affiliate. it is the MO ABANA affiliate and fantastic smiths. Their newsletter has places to buy coal, possibley near you. Might want to join their group also. You can get some good hands on experience with a knowledgable smith at meetings, and as good as book are there is nothing like hands on instruction.

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Well i am an unexperianced self teaching smith. I just wanted to say hello and howdy doodie. i built myself a little forge out of a brake drum and some pipe. just having a little trouble getting coal localy. but braking the rule of not using wood i still have been having pretty good luck. Still working on forging my own anvil tools.

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