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I Forge Iron

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Hello fromCANTON, OHIO,I'm RSF. I have been involved with meatelworking as a machinist for the past 40+ years,but i'm fairly new to forging and working hot metal. I will probabley have a ton of questions. Looking foward to any help I can get. RSF


Welcome to the forum.

Welcome aboard ...glad to have you.

Clicking on "User CP" at the top of the page and editing your profile to show your location will go a long way towards helping folk close to you find you. IFI is represented by members from more than 50 countries and a lot of info is location specific.

Next to finding someone close to help teach you the craft you can read and talk to folk here. All we ask is the occasional picture of what you're doing. ;)


Lot's of great smithing groups in OH. I heartily suggest you locate your closest one and attend the meetings.

(OH is also the "happy hunting grounds" for blacksmithing equipment.)

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