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Need help identifying anvil

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Thanks for the reply. I added some more pictures in hopes I can get the Mfg id'd. On the front base it has the numbers 157227. Above the waist it has a 2 on each side. It also has a 19 near the back on one side.

It measures almost 23" long and is 3 1/4" wide. The base is 9 1/4 by 8 1/4".

I bought it yesterday for $150. It has a flat top and clean edges. It appears as though it was used very little. I think it is cast iron with a welded steel face. It has a little ring near the tip of the horn and the back edge but not much anywhere else.

Thanks for the help!




Edited by adams1392
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The shape and the markings on the foot would strongly indicate to me that it's a Hay-Budden. Made in Brokylin, NY. They made anvils for resale under other brand names so having other names and marks on it are not unheard of. The book Anvils In America by R. Postman can tell you more.

HBs were of top quality and excluding any cracks that don't show up in your photos your anvil is in great condition. Don't grind or polish the face, you have a good anvil so start hammering!

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Thanks Judson!

There appears to be a slight crack underneath but not too deep. All I did to the anvil was wire brush some of the rust off. I was surpised by the condition of the anvil. I bought it from a young man who said it belonged to his dad's and great-uncle prior to his possession. I thought it was a pretty good find for my first anvil.

I am new to blacksmithing, and actually haven't started yet. I plan on taking a course in Nov. but wanted to start to collect my equipment.

Thanks again for the help.

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I could be wrong, but the numbers on the foot look like all the HBs I've seen. Is the entire top half one piece of steel or is the face welded on (you may see a faint horizontal line 1/2 to 1 inch down from the top face)? Tip it over and look at the shape of the indentation on the bottom. That's another clue.

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