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I Forge Iron

First Knife revamped

Talon Tex Overland

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okay i finally finished it, 7" overall, 3" dropped point blade with jimping along the spine, handle is made of one solid piece of oak that wraps around behind the tang (my grandpa's idea). Metal is unknown but holds a great edge and is slightly brittle. Made from scratch in my grandpa's woodworking shop with his help. Originally stained, but i decided to go with a natural look instead so i sanded off the stain and laquered it. I lacked anything to make pins with so I used leather rivots, and no epoxy. Heated to red hot with a pair of propane torches and quenched in motor oil. This is primitive but it works. I can't figure out how to get rid of the microscratches even though i was using 2000 grit sandpaper. This is my first knife. I apologize for the glare, I'm not to handy with a cellphone camera


Edited by TexasIronworker
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