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Most of the one's I know of, are related to being a member of a blacksmithing organization. ABANA has the Anvil's Ring and one other they send out quarterly. There's a German one that I've heard of but don't know any details on subscriptions.


There is also the Artist/Blacksmith Quarterly. I don't know the website right at the moment. I used to ahve a subscription. It's not bad, has a lot of good information in it, tutorials and such.



ABANA's Anvils Ring is a very good magazine and then they have another magazine, which I can't remember the name of, comes with the membership to ABANA. ABANA is a very worthwhile organization to belong to. They have an annual get together that it is something to behold.:cool: Then there is the Blacksmiths Journal which is kind of how to do it magazine like some of the woodworking ones. Has very nice line drawings in it, very well done.

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