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I Forge Iron

Blacksmithing book making / photos

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I have previously posted some threads about my dissertation i am writing. I am now looking at ways in which would be the best way to present it in a book form, does anyone have any ideas of how a book could be made that had the appearance that it was made by inspiration from smithing? Also i need some photos to put in my writing, which is on Contemporary blacksmithing and forging, if anyone has anything they think could be relevant and wouldn't mind me using them it would be gratefully appreciated.



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are you referring to the contents of the book or the book itself? If you mean the book itself then you can bind it with metal. Some ancient books had elaborate lockable bindings, examples of which I'm sure you could track down.

I'd do a bit of repousse work for the covers with some (very) thin ornate strap hinges llike you see on church doors. If you use thin ply to back up the metal covers then you can sit the 'book' inside that. I'm afraid book binding isn't an area of expertise but I'm sure others can advise you as well.
Most people know about using cardboard for a books cover but there's no reason you couldn't do it in steel, copper, brass etc etc.

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