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Jensen Beach, Florida
Blacksmithing, woodworking, luthiery, electronic music production, organic gardening, brewing beer, cigars and pipes
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It's easy to be disrespectful behind the safety veil of the internet, I am progressing just fine on my own. Let me know where you live near, maybe we can meet up for a cup of coffee. Bringing anyone else down or judging them over things that don't physically harm you is just a sign of insecurity. [political and religious content deleted] Nothing that comes from people I don't respect can affect me at all. I find these remarks amusing at best, tiresome at worst, like finding the perfect position in bed (the initial onset of help) but having to get back up to take a pee (the digression to personal annoyance and judgment). If you don't like it, stay away. I can't make you, [political content deleted] but I request if you don't have anything useful or kind to say, just mind your beeswax. Plenty of posts here for you to creep. Cheers.
Yea true, I went to the scrap yard near me recently. Lots of car scrap. Not a whole lot of usability for now, at least forge wise or tool wise. Metal wise, still learning what to look for. Bit of a lottery trade off there, lots of time and gas and still need to get lucky.
Anybody else look at these things and immediately think of forge potential? A few chops here, a few chops there, and it'd be good to go. Does the city ever replace these things and toss them out? Maybe I will make an anonymous suggestion to have some of them replaced, t hen email the next day wondering if they have any BBQs available and to message me when they do...
People used to be able to toss newspapers into driveways for money. Simple and straightforward. I hate to say there aren’t that many jobs like that around anymore, hard work has been outsourced. Who did that? Not my generation. Nor are there digital counterparts that are the equivalent of doing something like that. Freelance coding requires tight skill. The American dream has become a facade, everyone hustles for someone else instead of themselves now. When I say I’m not a people person, I was refraining from discussing multi-doctor medical diagnoses. If you would like me to go on, just send me a message And regarding the mysticism, all of life is magic to someone, or it isn’t, like Walter White’s love of chemistry in Breaking Bad, the great mythos of Ancient Greece, the magical rebellion of American moonshine, or Japanese sword makers… I prefer to feel all of life is magic, beyond the inanimate being arbitrarily animated. What came first, science, or the things science is composed of? It’s easy to see whose head is inanimate It’s also very easy to feel superior because of your views and the curmudgeon aesthetic, to bring someone down by trying to dull their edge or darken their spark. I was doing neither by displaying my feelings, your rebuttal is unfortunately hollowed out by that and the rampant negativity by plastering your personally assumed correctness in concrete. The simple difference here is you don’t believe in iron sprites, I do, but I do not try to persuade you they exist. Perhaps all of this mysticism comes from within the human psyche itself. It is no less magical. I love it. What an obnoxious narcissist. this is absolutely the last time I respond to your simpleton keyboard warrior psychoanalysis of an internet stranger. I have lost 100% of the respect I may have ever had for you. cheers. PS all Japanese people are idiotic buffoons for praying at Shinto shrines, amiright? I’m just a 14 year old 28 year old.
Any recommendations? I can't imagine the price new if the Kanca is $650+.
I commented on the books in my other thread instead of here. How are future generations supposed to find these rare vises and what will be the alternative? Someone is going to have to step up and manufacture them again, surely. Most of the post vises are getting hard to find and becoming increasingly worn, they'll be lost to time soon and frankly there aren't many options out there, if anything, but that blue Kanca post vise. Was the nail for instance, driven by the formation of the post vise or did it come before? The post vise seems as necessary as a forge and anvil though.
Alright, thanks for the perspective. I suppose if I can learn some of the science, metallurgy, and techniques as quickly as possible and practice them, I will sooner reach over to the point where it's a lot more creativity-focused. Just mulling things over as my forge is in transit to gain perspective and outlook. Although, most of these YouTubers are not tool makers which is what I will focus on. I know, from the Covington & Sons link I posted, he does not have much respect for "BoobToobers". They get views because they're personalities first and foremost. I'd rather be the reclusive high end smith he mentions that the flamboyant advertising personality type. I can't help but feel a bit of jealousy of course. When I first saw a power hammer in use I was in love... What luck to have one at such an early age.
I can’t help but feel discouraged already when I see 20 year old YouTubers with huge shops and power hammers and high tech gear. As I said I am trying to take this seriously but at 28 I’m a bit late to the game to be serious… at least that’s what it feels like. I might just be able to make something of myself if I work constantly at it, which I have the opportunity to do.
Started reading The Home Blacksmith since not much info about it and the other ones are supposedly good. I will review them all when done. So far this book is good, but there are some things like side notes that are too obscure for me to understand without some sort of photo… It also appears I will be learning metallurgy… Here is the high end woodworker / Japanese tool purveyor’s information blog on blacksmithing, among other things, mostly woodworking and tool care, in case anyone likes Japanese tools. Not sure if it will be useful, though most Japanese master smiths are dying off without anyone to replace them https://covingtonandsons.com/category/blacksmithing/
Thanks… will have to check out the flea market tomorrow.
It simply doesn’t look like most of the post vises I’ve seen but… it looks similar enough. asking $120 Deal or no deal?
Wow, great. I am part Cuban, I enjoy pipe smoking maybe once a week and the occasional cigar. I tried growing 5 different varieties of tobacco about 3 months ago but with the rains, it was a disaster. I just resowed them only a few hours ago. Praying to the tobacco Gods this works! I may not need a tool like this for such a small amount but then again, of course I do!
It seems my local community college has a search and there are numerous books . I don't know how helpful they will be. Some are available online, just opened up "Farm blacksmithing"... I believe I will have plenty to review. Everything is in place. Maybe I will setup a JABOD tomorrow while my forge is in transit.
I haven't been able to convince my family to get solar in Florida. It's ridiculous really. I want to take my axe, harvest some trees to dry and build a solar log cabin. Florida is covered in good pine for log homes but half an acre can run $25,000 down here. Absolutely ridiculous. Two of my smithing books are out for delivery and my forge/tools shipped today! In the meantime I picked up a very solid domain name related to blacksmithing, I'm actually pretty surprised it was available... Now to pay someone on Fiverr to make a logo. Fake it 'till you make it, right?
Understanding Florida is not possible. That's why I'm trying to leave! Btw I love adobe, I've wished I could live in an adobe house for years. I have a bucket of clay I still haven't gotten around to out back. I will have to have some fired soon.