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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Gandalfgreen

  1. Corn has its own wrapping why unwrap to rewrap just melt butter and salt and baste right as you serve. But that my 30plus years of cooking talking prolly same way some of you can just make metal what ever you want no problems. I have that skill but with food if its edible i will make it shine.
  2. Raw fresh sweet corn is the best love eating it as i grill. So sweet compaired to if cooked.
  3. I have wanted to try a forge meal since i started lol. Those high temperatures inteigue the xxxx out of me. Could do some very yummy things. AND Eggs heard
  4. Yes thats understood. Micriwave then is the most efficient and good way. I rarely boul corn unless i am making chicken corn soup or cornchowder. Eggs in microwave is nicely done too.
  5. I leave the husk on start my grill and corn goes on as it heats up. Continues to cook whill grill is heating move to top rack when add meats and other vegetables. Perfect roasted corn with color .
  6. Haha. Yeah thats what i was going to check first was any local laws or ordinances and see what a large tank would cost if makes sense think i shall do.
  7. Actually just got back from my brothers found a dealer locally he knew about going tomorrow. Might even buy a large tank now that i know where one is thought you needed license to use them.
  8. Well there goes that idea every store here locally is out if propane hmmmmmm?
  9. No sir. Thank you very much your explanation i understood perfectly. Apreciate you taking time to type it out and it looks amazing. Thanks again. Jlp i really like your knife from rasp.
  10. Hi Frosty hows alaska on this saturday?. I listen and remeber when told or read. Learning is one thing i can not get enough of. That little anvil i sometimes wish is what i had over the actual anvil i have. I like its horn and chisel. And Nat dont feel bad i have a mistrike on my actual anvil so atleast you learned before un like me. Dont work tired was lesson i learned and now have a ding to remind me every time i forge. It sticks out like a soar thumb no matter how much i try to forget or ignore.
  11. Prolly poor explantion by me if i can find my picture ill send. I just meant you can modify 1 chunk of it. Found it. Yellow circle is a small horn red circle is a chisel.
  12. Natkova is it big piece of r.r. I have used one that sits on it end. The part of tie train wheels sit on is left same and the side that gets nailed to surface 1 side is ground 8nto a small horn and other side if i remember correctly is ground into chisel. Worked very well. JHCC if bit busy might be able to post a pic of it as it is his he teaches me on it. Thomas mind sending or posting a pic of your snakes and if pissible next time make one a few pics of your forge stages when shaping. If not no big deal just more knowledge is power. Keep up the excellent work everybody. End with a question if i try to forge weld files together can i hammer there surface flat before i clean them up for weld or should i grind the old file surface off before start weld? Frosty thanks for the interesting facts did not know thats why it was started.
  13. Pretty much rookie here but all i use right now to forge is scrap metal i have gathered from trash or friends. What i have learned is old files chisels and coil springs i can forge much easier then almost every other scrap i have used and have been fooled few times by items i thought would work easily and just did not. Was actually thinking about trying to forge weld 4 fikes together to get a nice billet. File steel moves very nicely. Thats just my 2 sense as wekk as keep uo the great work everyone.
  14. Thats why i didnt get gas. Life happend and poof what i thought i had dissappeared like thin air thru a sidewall. Back to carving as of now still free as long as i see a tree and only use a branch that isnt owned. Lol Any pics of skillet or frame i love a good piece of cookware. Have my great grandmothers skillet from 1886 my go to pan.
  15. Wise words i have heard many times. Overthinking well put Frosty K.I.S.S. is easy way i remember. This flat tire killed my fuel budget lol.
  16. Daswulf its beautiful so far excellent work. Everyone great work need to get fuel and i back at it. Going to just attempt a knife keep trying to figure out what to make and can not get away from a knife hah. Wont know until i try so time to get okan together and get some fuel.
  17. I am just worried that if Frosty goes out in such hot weather he might melt and just be a small pike of rocks and coal.
  18. I enjoy this site so much as well glad someone likes my thoughts lol. Frosty has some of the best i will say.
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