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Everything posted by bonehead11

  1. If ed bolin's "big saddle"is musak then I quess your right
  2. that has to be the coolest lathe on the planet, I love it, there must be a story behind it....
  3. it turns out this model (12 inch de-lux) was built from 1939 to 1958 and the ring turned my girl's finger brown so I made a new one out of stainless
  4. thanks Bob, I thought you would know where to look:D kevin benge
  5. when I got my lathe there was only one document that said 6 " lathe so I just assumed it was a 6" lathe, and I just measured the radius or distance from the center line to the ways and it is 6 1/4 ", Is this a 12" lathe or a 6"? That "missing" 2 " pully turned up, it was there all the time.After I found out what size it was I took out a tape measure and realized how small it was and looked behind the big pully and there it was, and I remembered where my handle came from. The lathe made a pretty good rattle when I first started it up and I assumed that was normal, but after adjusting several gears that were loose or out of place slightly it now runs very quiet and smooth and as slow as 16 rpm. One last technical question the threading chart shows a spindle gear option of 16 or 32 teeth gears, but my 32 tooth installed spindle gear doesn't appear to be easily replaced w/o a puller, it is pressed on, no collar any one know this model lathe that well? ok I lied one more question- The installed 3 jaw chuck on the headstock doesn't unscrew and I'm afraid the old bonehead will mess up ( again ) any ideas?
  6. I know I was going to post there but I couldn't find the thread, and thanks Bob. Kevin Benge
  7. Well I bought my first lathe an old craftsman 6 " you can see it in "showme your lathe" I have never used a lathe before this is my first project a wedding ring for my woman, who has stuck with me for 8 years, God bless her, It is also my first marriage! and I'm 60 in july! I got the idea here but I can't find the thread, check it out .
  8. thank you very much I'm sure to find a use for it now!
  9. very cool, not many wagon wheels out here but you never know , is it a "L"shaped bit that is missing from the tool, I can probably make one
  10. Great I 'm so pleased, er how do it work?by the way I enjoyed your history the other day, I forget what thread it was in but thank you for all you gave for your country and from the outside it looks like a wonderful, full life, best of everything srgn. Kevin Benge
  11. I set up my craftsman 6" x 36" lathe today I am not sure of year the model is 101-21400 the serial number is 101-07403. I think the motor pulley is wrong and oosibly the counter shaft pully, there is one motor pully instead of two it is 4 1/2 " diameter and the counter shaft pullys are 7 1/2 and 9 " does any one know what they are supposed to be? also does anyone recognize the tool in the second to last pic? anyway here are pics it works and I am happy kevin benge
  12. I think it works best when I start from a "theme" that is if I don't get too excited and just jump in, which happens too often, but if I slow down and build it all in my head first the little details that make it magic happen. good luck
  13. I havn't taken delivery yet, perhaps sunday, I will let you know

  14. urnesbeast it is a dragon ready to tilt at don quixote
  15. I think it's great I had a huge smile looking at it. I never thought it was a tongue it looks like he is shooting out flames on the unsuspecting populace, and I was unsure about the wire until you explained the icarus thing, I am still smiling, leave the wire kevin benge
  16. hi aa metalmaster, I love your posts you really know your stuff, and you inspired me to purchase a 6 " craftsman from a local widow for $400 w/ tooling etc. I know zip about lathes do you know of a good forum for this lathe? any tips are appreciated kevin benge

  17. wow! I love it. what size cable? are the rivets placed to keep the main body of the handle clean or is that traditional? very nice, I want one.
  18. how big a project? an more details? pm me. kevin
  19. I remember now it was a kingpin stuck in a ford I beam suspension, I couldn't hammer it out so I had to remove the I beam and take it to the press, it sounded like a cannon when it busted loose.
  20. I am still thinking about your design, I once had a bearing siezed on an axle and it took over 20 tons of pressure to free it, on a 30 ton press the whole machine flexed, your machine would have shattered and you'd be dead. I have seen a small bench top ress at harbor freight, I think it is only 6 tons and it has at least 2 uprights. Don't take it personally , just don't get killed.
  21. I think glenn is right, all your pressure is held by those 4 upper bolts, I have looked at a lot of presses and they all use 2 uprights with the upper cross beam phisically locked within the upright bodies (no bolts} or heavy pins, you might replace that jack with a smaller one and build a better frame if you need 20 tons.
  22. those are great anvils, I was scrounging around the local wrecking yard yesterday and found some rr track but I passed it up partly because the gap between the rail and the base was too narrow, but this guy solved that problem in a perfect way, I wonder how he did that
  23. bonehead11

    snake head 2

    this is my second casting, set w/ rubies
  24. bonehead11

    rifle scabbard

    my lovely wife modeling the bandolier
  25. bonehead11

    rifle scabbard

    my wife was kind enough to model the scabbard
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