when I got my lathe there was only one document that said 6 " lathe so I just assumed it was a 6" lathe, and I just measured the radius or distance from the center line to the ways and it is 6 1/4 ", Is this a 12" lathe or a 6"?
That "missing" 2 " pully turned up, it was there all the time.After I found out what size it was I took out a tape measure and realized how small it was and looked behind the big pully and there it was, and I remembered where my handle came from.
The lathe made a pretty good rattle when I first started it up and I assumed that was normal, but after adjusting several gears that were loose or out of place slightly it now runs very quiet and smooth and as slow as 16 rpm.
One last technical question the threading chart shows a spindle gear option of 16 or 32 teeth gears, but my 32 tooth installed spindle gear doesn't appear to be easily replaced w/o a puller, it is pressed on, no collar any one know this model lathe that well?
ok I lied one more question- The installed 3 jaw chuck on the headstock doesn't unscrew and I'm afraid the old bonehead will mess up ( again ) any ideas?