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I Forge Iron

Antoine M.

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  • Location
    Québec, Canada

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  1. Hello everyone! Antoine from Québec, Canada, bladesmith and sometimes a bit of blacksmithing too. Thank's for the wonderful ressource of this forum! Salut!
  2. Thank's for the help and sorry for not getting back to you guys sooner; moving can be quite intense! Well it's quite an involving project! I'm not sure if I really want to go trough it. I've been thingking alot and as a knifemaker, I don't know If I absolutely need this hammer and the money of building such a foundation might be better put in an hydraulic press for the type of work I do... PS. If I break any rules of the forum please tell me! Offer for 100 lb Little Giant moved to the tailgating section.
  3. Hi all! I just moved to a new house and I have to move my 100 pouds little giant. My old shop was about 60 feet from the house and built on heavy clay soil. I went with a full blow foundation, 4 feet deep with a rubber mat (the one for cows). My wife could feel the vibrations from the hammer in the house albeit not vey hard, but she knew when the hammer was running. Now, the soil is sandy with a fair proportion of small rocks, round ones like river rocks, drains really well. The big difference is that my new shop is an old garage attached to the house. I mean right next to it. I'm planning to cut the cement floor to isulate the hammer and go with cement again (Still four feet? Could I go for less?). Should I be worried about excessive vibrations? The house is an old house (1827) and I'm a bit worried for the stucture and the comfort of the familly... Is there another option than cow mats to dampen the vibrations? Looking for inputs! Thank's!
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