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I Forge Iron

Going small again


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 After the going small thread , and having a little luck. I thought I might try to make something useful. I tried a few different ways to get an attachment point without much consistency. I didn't like the 1/16 " drilled holes and no luck with a 1/16 drift. ( I wonder how small a hole can be drifted? ) I settled on a simple scrolled end. I just left the normally cut leg on the Fredricks Cross on, and scrolled it over.

 I now have the luckiest wife in the world...(grin) Anyway ,I have made a few sets of them ,and have none in my inventory at this time. That's a good thing. Oh ,and by the way, 1/8 " keystock for the earrings and 3/16 " for the necklace. Sprayed with 3 layers of clear enamel .

 I would like to give a special thanks to Spankysmith for the inspiration, her kind words were just what I needed. Thanks Spanky.......Take Care         Dave   



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You're welcome Dave. I've done mine both ways, looping over the top and drilling a hole and inserting a small ring for the chain to pass through. Around here the latter are the most popular, I get $15 a piece on the small necklace sized ones. I'll try to locate a photo to post. Nice work, btw!

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Hey nice work there Spanky, and thanks again......Farmall, I'm just using a hacksaw with a 32 TPI blade. It's got a narrower curf , and I set it in the saw at 90 deg. so I can keep an eye on it better. If it gets offline, I switch ends and pull on the saw to cut instead of pushing to cut.  Thanks for the moral support.......Take care           Dave

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome aboard Big Finn, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

That's a beautiful crucifix, outstanding reversed twists. When you say you "punch them out." do you mean you make them fast? Or perhaps punch and drift for the cross?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Big Finn, very NICE!  I like those. 

Big Und, my photos were all visible using whatever means are normal on this site, until the last upgrade, then suddenly every thread I visit where I'd previously posted something my photos aren't visible.  I have no idea why....

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I've been working with the ratio of post = 2x arm and head length and it's reasonably pleasing. Oh yes the horse gals would love the shoe nail jewelry for sure. How are you polishing them?

What I'm seeing as most successful posting and viewing pics is loading and viewing them in the JPEG format as files. Embeds seem problematic but the Admin guys are working on it. I talked to Glenn yesterday and you guys might take heart in discovering the software is doing things he didn't expect too. I ended up with a youtube video embedded in a post and couldn't get rid of it. I didn't paste it, it was just on MY clipboard as a link, the software uploaded it as an embed on it's own. I spent I think a couple hours trying to get rid of it before I lucked on to the method.

Regarding that particular post Glenn tried to merge a second post and couldn't, then discovered the software had done it already or who knows what. I just ran into a situation trying to reduce the file size on a pic and it turned out I just needed to give my oh so FAST computer about 15 minutes to sort through whatever it needed to do instead of just doing a Save As. I'm thinking we're going to be wandering in the Pet Roms till the comp geeks Mothers kick them out of the basement so they have to get real jobs and learn some common sense.

Sorry about the frustration fueled rant.

Frosty The Lucky.

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That is a point B. F. you're going to have to call it a naughty tukus from now on. Tsk tsk.

Ah, you'll probably slide on this one but it is a family site. Just take it like your 9 year old daughter was reading the posts.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks Frosty, I just wire wheel em' good and spray with clear coat. Quick and easy.........Dave

​How durable is the finish? Do the little finial scrolls ever get grabbed by the wheel? Wire wheels make me jumpy, B-A-D things happen when wire and buffing wheels grab.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Well, as far as the finish goes, it last longer than most lipstick. Actually I'm not sure how long it will last. How long will 3 coats of enamel last in that application? I have had no reports back yet. I understand the wire wheel fear.....Be very very careful....I use a very fine wire on an old belt drive set up, that is pretty low RPM.       Dave  

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