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I Forge Iron

My first try at a RR Spike Tomahawk

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Here is the first try at a RR Spike Tomahawk that I have completed to the "recognizable object" phase. This should be good for stock removal when I need to make tool handles and such. The leather cover will have a snap to hold it on so I can use it as a camp hammer without splitting my head open.




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Nice hawk there eseemann, like the blade shape, get the most out of the material, shape it up with the grinder alittle bit, and you'll have a fine peice there i have yet to try my hand at a spike hawk, i have a few layin around, my have to try it soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

​Pretty good for a first try, You got guts in my book. I dislike RR spikes for hawks as there is not enough steel to work with in my book. I have made a few from RR spikes but I threw them all in the scrap pile and I have made a few hawks. I just like more steel to work with. Good job!!!

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acualy not abad effort at all, try slotting the eye to nearly the width of your drift and then thinning the cheaks by drowning material along the drift to make the eye deeper, upsetting the area for the eye also helps, if you want a spike instead of a hammer pole, just mash the head to get a similar "bearded axe" effect.  Now steel the edge to quit the knife guys...

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